Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Compilation of various source - basmain

extrn $ $ main: far
cseg segment para public''code''

; This program is used to set the PSP address for a compiled BASIC program.
; The PSP segment is saved at 0:4 F2H.

; It can also be used to limit the maximum memory available to a compiled
; BASIC program. The option''/ M: nnn''is used on the command line, where
; Nnn is the number of K-bytes the program is limited to. If no, / M option
; Is specified, no memory limitation takes place. For example,''/ M: 64''would
; Limit the program to 64 * 1024 bytes. The range for nnn is 64 to 1024.

; This routine gets control before BASIC, does its handiwork, and then
; Passes control to the BASIC program. It must be linked as follows:
; LINK BASMAIN + yourprog, yourprog, NUL.MAP, BASCOM

; If BASMAIN is unable to limit memory as requested, a message is displayed
; And the execution of the program is continued.

public basmain
basmain proc far
assume cs: cseg, ds: cseg, ss: nothing, es: nothing

push ds; save ds
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax; ds = 0
mov si, 4f2h; dos communications area
mov ax, es; get psp seg
mov [si], ax; save psp in dos comm area
pop ds; restore ds
mov si, 80h; point to command line
mov ch, 0
mov cl, [si]; get length of command line
jcxz p025; it''s zero

p010: inc si
mov al, [si]; get char from command line
cmp al ,''/''; is it a slash?
jnz p020; no
mov ax, [si +1]; get next 2 chars
cmp ax,'': M''; is it M:?
jz p030; yes
cmp ax,'': m''; is it m:?
jz p030; yes

p020: loop p010; check next char
p025: jmp p080; no / m: or / M: found

p030:; found / m: or / M:
add si, 3; point to first number
mov ax, 0
mov bx, 0
mov cx, 10
p040: mov bl, [si]; get character
cmp bl,''0''; out of range?
jb p050; yes
cmp bl,''9''; out of range?
ja p050; yes
sub bl,''0''; convert to binary
mul cx; multiply ax by 10
add ax, bx; add new digit
inc si; point to next char
jmp p040; continue

p050:; got value in ax
cmp ax, 64; less than 64K?
jb p060; yes - print msg
cmp ax, 1024; greater than 1024K?
ja p060; yes - print msg
mov cl, 6
sal ax, cl; convert from KB to paragraphs (* 64)
mov bx, es; get psp
add bx, ax; new top of memory
mov si, 2; point to top of memory in psp
mov ax, [si]; get current top of memory
cmp ax, bx; is new setting larger?
jae p055; no
mov dx, offset msg2; yes - print msg
jmp p065

p055: mov [si], bx; save new top of memory
jmp p080

p060: mov dx, offset msg1; print the message
p065: add dx, 100h; fudge for the psp
mov ah, 9
int 21h

p080: jmp $ $ main; jump to BASIC''s start point

msg1 db''Memory specification must be from 64 to 1024'', 7,10,13 ,''$''
msg2 db''Unable to limit memory'', 7,10,13 ,''$''

basmain endp
cseg ends
end basmain; must be a main program!

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ADSL FAQ wonderful Q & A?

Do not use ADSL to dial-up? What dial number?

INTERNET ADSL with a virtual dial-up access and leased line access in two ways. Virtual dial-up users with similar MODEM and ISDN dial-up procedure, the use habits are no different than the original way. A high-speed access users can access as long as the boot INTERNET.

What is a virtual dial-up? What dial number?

A: The so-called virtual dial-up is the same when using ADSL INTERNET access need to enter user name and password (and the original MODEM and ISDN access to the same), but the ADSL connection is not a specific access number such as 16900, but the so-called Virtual Private Network VPN, ADSL access, IP address.

Browse the Internet using ADSL, you should not receive phone bills?

ADSL Internet access with telephone charges do not charge. Browse the Internet using ADSL, not through the telephone network, so no need pay the telephone charges.

Installation of ADSL, the user is required to apply for a dedicated telephone line? What are the requirements on the users computer?

Installation of ADSL, the user can either existing telephone lines in the transformation can also apply specifically to the second Internet phone line. There is no difference in the installation. If you use an existing telephone line, before the telephone number of the same. 586 computers in general can, and no special requirements. Users can use a simple method to judge the suitability of your computer: Can ordinary MODEM Internet, the computer results can still use the ADSL line can be (but does not require general MODEM).

Computer with ADSL Internet access if you want to buy new parts?

As the high speed ADSL, but the interface is also provided MODEM Ethernet interface. Therefore the user needs to plug an Ethernet PC card (normal 10 Gigabit Ethernet card, price is about 200 yuan or so.)

ADSL installation is not too much trouble, how long can not call?

No changes to the user to install ADSL phone line, installation takes only minutes, without any impact on the user, nothing to worry about destroying the telephone line.

I want to install ADSL, but worried about the quality of telephone service will decline. In addition, the call rate will lead to decline in the Internet?

ADSL equipment has been designed with this in mind, use special technology to separate the phone audio and data streams without disturbing each other. In the actual line test, install ADSL phone and ordinary telephone voice There is no difference: the time when the transmission data, bring the phone, hang up the phone and free calls, ADSL data transmission will not be affected.

If you want to install ADSL, what equipment to buy?

Because the ADSL terminal equipment and access equipment supporting the use of, as now you can buy the same general MODEM, purchase your favorite ADSL MODEM. However, we recommend that you purchase related equipment provided by telecommunications companies.

The possibility of extension devices are connected to ADSL?

No, only direct connection to ADSL terminal equipment.

ADSL equipment can not be the same as ordinary MODEM use?

No, but the users and the general MODEM similar manner, but with a telecommunications company providing client software to connect Internet.

Q: According to the speed of ADSL, local download should be more than 1M, why actually it only between 100-300K?

A: This is the rate of housing units. 56K modem to download the largest known of only 5-6K. 56K units is a bit, and the download rate display is byte. 1byte = 8bit. So download the show is 200kB in fact already reached 1.6Mbit, already quite fast. As the server and client hard disk access speed, and many other reasons, can not play local download speed ADSL2-8Mbit / s maximum capacity. We also expect a faster server appears.

I am a ADSL user, may sometimes not work online, this is why?

"Internet Express" - ADSL is a transmission signal in the original phone line technology, copper telephone lines to a certain law of two entangled with each other, so that can effectively resist the external electromagnetic interference. However, most telephone lines are parallel market line, the connection from the outside box to the user telephone number of this line are parallel with the line, which is very unfavorable ADSL signal transmission, long parallel lines ADSL phone line will cause instability ADSL light flashes and other phenomena, thus affecting the Internet. In addition, users connect the phone before the separator, or a device such as phone theft fighting will influence the data transfer.

How to view the network configuration?

A: If WIN95/98, had to be in the "Network Neighborhood / Properties" to view the IP address, DNS, WINS, Gateway, etc. whether the ADSL service providers to match

Why sometimes no ADSL access speeds much faster than regular dial-up MODEM?

A: ADSL access to result in slow conditions are as follows: 1) If access to foreign sites, access will be subject to export bandwidth and other factors such as site configuration; 2) Since the ADSL technology requires high quality of telephone lines, and in Shenzhen ADSL is used RADSL (ie rate adaptive ADSL), telephone exchange to the user if the phone line between certain period of time affected by external factors in the interference, RADSL the pros and cons based on line quality and transmission distance of the dynamically adjust the user's access speed.

ISDN is able to modify ADSL?

Although the media are carrying copper wire, but the ISDN telephone line voltage, signal coding different, for the time being can not change the ADSL. Must first be converted into ordinary ISDN telephone lines to conduct ADSL access.

10M/100M card to use in the ADSL speed difference?

In general, there will be no difference in speed, because speed ADSL Internet access from the network card limit and less than 10M, 10M, but the card is a large part of the ISA interface, use the I / O addressing mode, the CPU utilization high efficiency is very low, the impact of small on speed, so Ben Wang recommended two-speed PCI interface to 10M/100M adaptive network card.

Why not install a virtual dial WINDOW XP program?

Because WINDOW XP comes with dialing process the agreement itself, so just in Network Neighborhood create a new connection, you can get online.

ADSL network is 1M, so can use the bandwidth to 1M?

Certainly different, first of all because, ADSL central office to the bandwidth is 1M, but the other features more PPPoE protocol, it will have 5-10% of the bandwidth of the signal transmission for PPPoE protocol.

Existing ordinary dial-up or ISDN access to the Internet account, Can it be used on ADSL?

Can not, ADSL virtual dial-up account to re-apply. Ordinary dial-up or ISDN and ADSL technology structure, entirely different because they Telecom is verified by a different web server account.

Install ADSL for a fixed IP and virtual dial mode any different?

When installing ADSL users should choose according to your needs means. If you apply for ADSL is to be able to do their own home, let others come to browse, then you can apply for a fixed IP broadband services. But if you are online just to browse the Web, play games, watch movies ...... so, then you can apply for a virtual dial mode. In terms of speed, the difference was not different, you apply for 1M bandwidth, then the telecommunications company to you is 1M bandwidth, no matter what way. Virtual dial the Internet when the computers do not know how to protect themselves are more suitable, because the Internet when the IP is not fixed, it also prevents some people find you through a fixed IP to attack you

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